"The Ballad of Moll Magee" is the lament of an indigent woman who rolls onto her child while she sleeps. Her escapism is not self-imposed or in any way indulgent; her husband sends her away-- she mutters to herself as she walks. It is intriguing when read with some knowledge of Yeats' own troubled mother, who suffered from a depression so severe that she would spend days in bed. Perhaps Yeats' own relationship with his mother could have contributed to his provocation of sympathy for this character. Taking this supposition into account, could we read the poem as a meditation on tolerance? Is it possible that, by giving us the life experience of a woman who might otherwise be dismissed, Yeats might generate sympathy for her? In the final stanza, Moll addresses the reader, "So now, ye little childer,/ Ye won't fling stones at me;/ But gather with your shinin' looks/ And pity Moll Magee" (Yeats, 24).
And could it be read as a plea for tolerance of our parents' shortcomings?
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